fredag 21 januari 2011

På väg till Bloom

Tjingeling denna fredagskväll! Nu ska det bli födelsedagsfirande av!

På väg till Bloom in the Park och det ska bli väldigt spännande och se vad köket bjuder på!

Hämtat från hemsidan:
"Bloom in The Park takes the modern European kitchen to a whole new level, in a luxurious but relaxed setting. Overlooking Pildammarna, secreted away among the verdant landscape of one of the region’s most beautiful public parks, Bloom is as unexpected as its location.

Our kitchen works with the purest definition of seasonal flavours. Each component plays an important role, both individually and in harmony with the rest of the dish. The drive is toward deconstruction and experimentation, but the roots lie in classic French gastronomy. Titti and her team do not seek star ratings, but strive to challenge the guides’ capital-centric judges to discover Skåne.

Bloom in The Park is a “No Menu” restaurant. This concept allows our chefs to serve the best ingredients according to availability, day and mood. This translates into a kitchen and wine cellar that is in constant transition, offering you a unique experience every time. This also allows us to personally cater to any dietary or allergy restrictions of our guests".

Pjaaaa.... ska väl duga...

Och imorgon blir det Millis födelsdagskalas här hemma. Mian och Ullis kör favorit i repris och firar gemensam födelsedag. Det ska bli jättekul.

Menyn är ännu inte helt spikad men det ska nog bli bra. Ullis står för desserten så det kommer bli super!

Ha en mysig fredagskväll kära vänner!

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